Thursday, September 16, 2010

Exile, Period

Exile, Period
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: A stack of cassette tapes.
Origin: This was how musical stylings used to be delivered Chez "A."
How long kept: Some since the late 80s. Last purchase was probably around 1993 or 1994.
Why kept: I might listen to them and thus They Might Be Useful.
Destination: Exile On Chambers Street:  off to Housing Works.

Confession: When I saw the Liz Phair cassette, my heart fell. What a gigantic load of bad angry grrl chi...I had no idea it still lived in my entertainment center!   I thought I had exiled this one a long time ago.

Confession, part deux: This stack is far from all of my cassettes. Some are "sticky," and I need to listen to them once more before they find their Exile in way or another.

The bootleg Billie Holiday tapes I bought on Canal Street the weekend I first visited ('87) are an artifact that I may have to retain. Aaargh?

Confession, cont: I'm a big fan of ReadyMade magazine, which recently held a contest for people who had lots of cassette tapes -- how can you reuse them, or more specifically, the cases. The kids who responded all had ideas, so I know that these babies will find homes...hopefully not with angry young women.

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