Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tin Can Alley-Oop

What:  Large-ish tin.
Origin:   It once contained caramel corn.
How long kept:   Probably since New Year's, 2000.
Why kept:  Of course, It Might Be Useful!   And it was in a rarely accessed cabinet, so Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Usage:  Not so much.
Destination:  Recycling.

Confession:   This is the sort of thing that I always think I might cover with paint, papier mache or collage.   Good Crafting Intentions Gone Bad.

Confession, part deux:   This is an item I released in August, and neglected to blog.   I was flat on my back sick Wednesday, so I'm drawing from the archive of unused items early this rainy Thursday morning, and backdating it.   (I'm back in the game today, baby.)

Does that count double...that I'm blogging a saved but unused blog item?

1 comment:

  1. aaagh, I just deleted a comment I meant to publish. milkcan, I'm sorry!

    She was sayin':

    "There are so many things that I keep for crafting intentions and then never do anything with!"

    And I was going to agree, and suggest that a crafty swap meet or pop-up Free Store would be of service to so many...

    Geez. The move from 8 blog readers to 9 is tough when I'm deleting people's comments....
