Saturday, September 11, 2010

Not-Holders (Any More)

Not Holders Any More
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: 3 fraying and of the last century potholders.
Origin: The desire to hold pots.
Last used: In August.
How long kept: Probably since 1994-ish?
Why kept: Why, They're Perfectly Good. (And a bit Out of Sight, Out of Mind, as often as I cook.)
Destination: Textile recycling.

Confession: As a lower Manhattan resident, I thought a lot about what to post...if But I realized that today of all days was a good day to let go, so I searched my memory for something I still owned that I actually purchased at the WTC.  

Nostalgia. The kind of weird and actually in this moment funny kind. Perhaps inappropriately so. It's complicated.  Sticky.

These babies came from Lechter's, which was on the street level of what I think was 3 WTC, near the Vesey Street exit. Lechters had closed that store maybe in 2000, and the chain had gone bankrupt at some point in 2001.

Confession, part deux: There's another black one. I hope it's in the laundry, otherwise, I'll have to give myself an "Aaargh." When it turns up, it's gone, too.

Confession, cont: The other thing I'm thinking of blogging is my neighborhood, which I've loved since I started working here in 1990; I moved here in 1994. All kinds of change upon change has been at times challenging, but (mostly) manageable.  But the passion and anger around the site seems only to become worse as time goes on.

We all used to talk about finding the "new normal".  Today, people who don't live here make careers by stirring others up...and actually shape the neighborhood itself.  It doesn't look like that's going away. Sigh.

Addendum: On a positive note, I'm going to get my sewing machine out -- right now -- and make myself some new potholders.


Thanks, Craftzine, for the instructions (which I didn't follow to the T).  Great for converting stuff from my fabric stash into something useful.  Both my sis "K" (who lurks here sometimes) and my sis-in-law "W" (who I don't think does) might recognize some of the fabric I used, since they were the generous donors.

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