Monday, May 3, 2010

Doh -- I'm behind in blogging

But I have things set aside for my friend's garage sale! I just have to photo and blog them. In the meantime, here's today's item:
What: play-doh still new in shrink wrap, until I opened it (it made a better photo and see confession)
How long kept/Origin: last summer from a garage sale
Why kept: might be useful
Destination: The Boy's school

The Boy isn't totally pleased with this, but there was an incident with playdoh at school where he ruined some. I told the teacher The Boy would replace it with extras

Confession: I let him keep one of the new colors. Even if he does have plenty of others! I also felt bad and that it was a touch harsh to make him get rid of 4.


  1. Oh, no. An "incident"?

    Good job, Mommy. There's no time like now to learn about consequences. It's karma, baby.

  2. How does one ruin Play Doh?
    Burt's Bee carrot creme smells to me like Play Doh--every time I use it (around a raw nose from allergy sniffles) I get sent back. It's a strange olfactory connect. Unless the conglomerate that bought Burt's has stock in Play Doh and access to the stash that kids "ruin."
