Monday, May 10, 2010


Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Contents of a toy shampoo bottle.
How long kept: Gulp, since sometime in the last century. Aargh.
Origin: This cute bottle reminded me of my mom. See confession.
Why kept: Nostalgia.
Destination: My bathroom drain is very clean.

Confession: I think I'm going to keep the bottle. My mom taught me how to read when I was very young, and the first things I remember reading are the Winnie the Pooh books. So when I see Pooh every day, I think of my mom.

Every day really is Mother's Day. So, happy Mother's Day, Mom.

That said, Pooh only knows how gnarly contents of the bottle were.   It didn't look, smell, or seem like anything other than baby shampoo, but given its vintage, I didn't even save it to clean my paintbrushes (the fate of another less than favorite, not blogged, shampoo).


  1. Hmm, I'm on the fence with this one. It's still taking up the same amount of space. You just got rid of the shampoo.

  2. I subsequently got rid of the bottle. Pooh's head fit perfectly on the Kiehl's shampoo bottles. So I can still see Pooh's face every day.
