Friday, May 14, 2010

Just take those old records off the shelf

And outta our house!!! I'd play them if only I had a turntable and dance in my tighty whites hmmmm on second thought, don't need to hear an over-preponderence of bass! :)
What: old record albums. Approx 60 of them
Why kept: out of sight & nostalgia. Who knows, I might digitize them (not). Who am I kidding. I own the CDs of the ones I truly love and ... Really now, I'm NEVER going to listen to the Wham! Album (on purpose)
Destination: garage sale $1 a piece or $20 for all. One lady took some for the album cover art work and nostalgia. Another guy took the Beatles albums (not collectible)
So far 10 have sold for $7. I bargained :). Total take for us: $108! Woooot
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

1 comment:

  1. Haha! (And 108 is a sacred number in many Asian spiritual cultures.)
