Sunday, May 30, 2010


Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: 3 partially full containers of quinoa. (See confession.)
Origin: Various healthy eating impulses occasionally lead me to actually cook.
How long kept: Probably not all that long for two of them, since last fall. The other one? At least a year.
Why kept: Of course, I might have the impulse to cook and thus Might Need Them; They Might Be Useful.
Destination: Stovetop, baby.

Bonus: I threw in 1/3 cup of red quinoa I also had in there. Note to self -- to avoid multiple partially used bags of quinoa or indeterminate age, when you buy the 1 pound bags of quinoa, multiply the recipe to use it all at once.

Bonus, continued: I'm also tossing/recycling (as acceptable) the plastic containers they were stored in. I'm switching over to glass.

Confession: Why eew? I took a break from my certification exam to check facebook and found discussion about a delicious quinoa and avocado salad. Yum. With pumpkin seeds -- double bonus, since I had a partial container of those, too. Well, when I went to toast the pumpkin seeds, I found something, um, organic in it. Something that wasn't ever part of a pumpkin in any way that I'd like to commit to digital life. It didn't originate in my house, I bought it that way.

You know that there are lots of opportunities in the food chain for bad stuff to get into food. I accept some of that. But this one, grossed me out.

And, eew, it's going Whole Foods.

Meanwhile, I substituted walnuts. (Also purchased at WF. I checked them carefully before toasting, you betcha. My local health food store's nuts are sometimes not fresh, so I justify the WF purchase. But eew, now where will I purchase nuts?)

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