Saturday, May 22, 2010

I'm Not Waiting For The Weekend Any More

What:   A stack of books, some unread (see confession) others will never be read again.
Origin:   If you haven't noticed, I love to read!
How long kept:   Newest is about 2 years old, Madame Bovary was an annoying read about people I didn't care about.  Waiting for the Weekend, 1992?  (Ack, see confession.)
Why kept:   Might read them or might read them again, and thus They Might Be Useful.   As noted before, some have a Nostalgia component.
Destination:  My NYPL branch.   They're taking books again!

Confession:   Yeah, I probably read a review of Waiting for The Weekend in the NY Times weekend book review (I'm guessing) and bought it.   Never did get around to reading it.   I even took it off the shelf several weeks ago to see if I'd feel inspired to read it.   Not so much.   Aargh.

1 comment:

  1. In the words of LoverBoy, EVERYONE is working for the weekend!!! Maybe their aren't waiting for it, but they are working for it.
