Saturday, May 1, 2010

Swap Meet

Swap Meet
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Various. (See confession.)
Origin: Also various.
How long kept: Sigh, etc.
Why kept: Of course, It Might Be Useful!
Destination: The quarterly (more or less ) "Bitch and Swap," hosted by one of my friends.   (More on the B&S here.)

Confession: The pretty scarf came from a B&S last year. It's homemade by one of my friends, who was so excited that I liked it and was taking it home. She was giving it up because she's petite, and the scarf was too thick for her to comfortably wear around her neck.

I'm petite too. Buh bye.

Confession, cont: Most of my friends bring clothes...many are style mavens who cycle through their clothing quickly.  Other than my business clothes (which wouldn't work for most of my B&S friends who are in creative fields) I dress for utility and wear things long beyond any fashion moment, and until they fall to pieces.   (At which point they go to textile recycling!)

I'm allowed to bring other stuff! I heart my friends, and try to never to miss the B&S.

So the Rubbermaid storage containers that I'm phasing out in favor of reused glass screwtop jars, the incense and holder bought for an altar table when a yoga teacher visited NYC (and was found to be allergic to incense)...hopefully It Will Be Useful for someone else!

I may add a couple of books; I leave in about a half hour.

(And hopefully I won't come home with anything. Anything big, that is.  Stay tuned.)

P.S.   The take:  one scarf (new with tag!), one skirt made with beautiful fabric that has a small stain and is now destined to become one or more scarves, a new Spiderman coloring book, and one Perfectly Good black cashmere sweater.  

And very little bitching, quite a bit of swapping; the biggest winner will be Housing Works, which will get the rest of the gently used clothing, shoes and purses.


  1. ahh...a perfectly good cashmere sweater! Sounds like a good day:)

  2. I got a Perfectly Good Cashmere red sweater at Goodwill the other day.... I should have said no, but.... It was only $3.99!
