Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Stuck Karma

Stuck Karma
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Green tea
Origin: A Buddhist ceremony called "Lama Chopa/Tsoh" that involves a food offering. You take the food home, and are meant to eat it. Someone put this on my plate, and I felt stuck with it.
How Long Kept: An embarrassing amount of time. 5 years?
Why kept: I don't really drink Green Tea. But I felt that there would probably be Karmic Consequences for disposing of it other than in the appointed manner (That would be a new category...I think we'll call it "I Might Need It/Might Be Useful."   And Guilt.)
Destination: I started drinking one tea a day the other day. With a handful more to go, I'm counting this as done.

Bonus: Antioxidants and karma repair? Dude.

Confession: There's probably a Karmic Consequence to making light of this.

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