Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Guest Post: ewww...mold AND hepatitis!

"While looking in my basement for some fashion art to scan for a friend's book (she needs 1980s cut paper art) I stumbled on a ton of stuff mildewing away. (Guess that dehumidifier isn't as up to the task as I'd like!) This is a print-out of one of those big budget ad agency jobs for Big Pharma (which made me more nostalgic than the big hair and big jackets!) The RAC was a collection of Retail Award winning ads. I had a double page Macy's ad that was one of my all time favorite jobs--luckily it was centered and didn't get eaten by the mold. And the fashions themselves aren't so moldy either--fun "mod" '60s stuff, you know, when the '80s was into the '60s. Looking backward seems to be a forever trend.

This gets recycled, pronto."

Go, "S"!

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