Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Guest Post: omg, HMO crapola

omg, HMO crapola
Originally uploaded by heywattsky
"WTF? My PCP dropped GHI-HMO. IMHO, all this insurance paperwork is FTB*. Turns out I haven't been to the OB-GYN in 2 years cause they dropped me too (I never got a reminder or a notice, and when I asked why: "It's not our job" was the basic reply), and as we all know, when you hit a certain age, you have no idea when your last visit was. Coulda been 5 years since I was in the stirrups; seems like yesterday to me! (Giddyap, Cowgirl!)

I plowed through and made a bunch of calls, got set up with my new doctor for a complete physical (and my vitamin D testing). And now I found proof of when my last colonoscopy was, so they aren't gonna force that on me before my 10 years is up! In this pile is a slew of Lexapro scripts. History. (May need to repeat itself, however...)
Shred, bag, recycle! (That'll happen to me, due time :)

*for the birds"

Ouch, "S", dumped by your doc!? None of my docs take insurance, much less my insurance -- not sure how that is going to continue in the era of "health care reform".

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