Sunday, June 20, 2010

Guest Post: Wrap-ture

Originally uploaded by heywattsky
"I am a compulsive wrap-saver. If the Rapture ever comes, and Jesus wants us all to join Him, I am the moving service that can wrap the worldly belongings we might need. (Surely we'll be allowed to take SOMEthing? :) Well, this is all coming to an end--not only the world (tho I might be able to blot up some of the oil spill with my basement stash) but in the realm of what I can control--the hoarding of wrapping supplies. I have enough for this lifetime, and so this and anything that comes after this will get flattened and stuffed into the recycling bag."

"S", we really all do have the same stuff...


  1. I don't know if I told you this, but I was wandering in my local Barnes and Noble one night last month, and Fab 5 Freddy was giving a talk. (I think there's a new book on hip hop history?)

    And on the boxes and wrapping, it's funny. Soon after I stopped storing them, I noticed that any time I need them, they appear...

  2. Soon as I posted this the song entered my head. (also, the weird Mimi Rogers movie--ever see it?) And I do save padded envelopes, as I used them as fast as they come in.

  3. Oh, I don't think I saw that was on my list, but never floated to the top. I'll have to add it to my netflix queue.
