Sunday, June 20, 2010

I Can Hardly Contain Myself

I Can Hardly Contain Myself
Originally uploaded by 365 Things
What: Various containers (and the little round things are votive candle holders).
Origin: My craft stash, Good Crafting Intentions Gone Bad. And Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
How long kept: Hmmm. At least one of those tins is over 18 months old. I think that another dates to my last corporate stint, so pre-2008.
Usage: Never.
Destination: Recycling.

Rant: As I happen across magazine articles and blog posts about managing our stuff is the emphasis on containers. Storage Boxes are Evil; I'm holding to that one!

I don't mean that I should never store anything.

It's not a matter of finding the right way to keep stuff, it's a matter of matter: do I have things that don't matter? Probably not.

But how they matter, and how, or whether, this "mattering" should be a factor my life today...does.

Project Update: I'm getting to the stage where I can probably start to think about tackling one of those "graduate" level items, like my box of vintage clothes and the boxes of photos. I also have kitchen cabinets filled with dishes that I never use.  On the plus side, I've gotten rid of most of the appliances that I never use.

Hmmm, where to start?


  1. So, is your treatise on "matter" in anyway related to E=MC2? I'm confused. I guess you're light years ahead of me--I still have things that "don't matter" I suppose. Well, I haven't uncovered all my storage boxes--evil or other. (Vintage clothing, eh? If you decide to have a swap, let me know!)

  2. Yes, exactly! Why do we use the word "matter" for stuff? Why is "matter" a verb?

    (The M in the equation is "mass" dimension of matter, right?)

    I am starting to think that everything that we have "matters" in some way, to each of us. Or at least it did when I put something into the box. The question for me, personally, is, should I be putting it into the box at all?

    So often since the beginning of this project, I've encountered some of my matter with an emotional charge of "eew"/not-so-happy nostalgia. Or drawn a complete blank on what something is, and how I've come to have it. This has made wonder why I kept some of this stuff to start out with?

    Should I have a checklist of questions that I answer about something before I store it?

    There's a whole tie-in to yoga philosophy here, though I don't have it completely untangled, and now is the time that I should be creating the matter of my workplace!
