Thursday, January 14, 2010

Good Bye, Pain (Free)!

What:  Borrowed Books
Origin:  A student wanted me to look at them.   I tried to say no...I failed.
Usage:   I scanned them when I brought them home, and really looked at them yesterday.
Why kept:   Aaaargh.   Mostly out of sight, out of mind.  And I might read them, so They Might Be Useful?
How long kept:  Less than a year.   (Close enough, though.)
Destination:   Return To Lender.

Confession:  I took these because the student looked a little crestfallen when I explained that I had a lot of other reading to do.   (This was the truth.)   He responded that I should keep them as long as I liked.  (Based on that, I should have brought them back the next week.  I have pretty good boundaries, but have a hard time telling my students "no".   That's how I wound up on Facebook, too.   Sigh.)
Bonus:  The information contained in these books looks like biomechanically sound advice that might work for the person in your life who might not ever find himself in a yoga class.

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