Monday, January 18, 2010

Days of Whine and Woeses

Days of Whine and Woeses
Originally uploaded by 365 Things

Ok, someone stop me with the funny. I'll never get any work done today!

What: Two rubber bracelets from
Origin: Grassroots morale effort at the office.
How long kept: Hmmm, I guess mid-year 2007.
Usage: I participated in the project, which was started by our office manager.
Why kept: Out of Sight, Out of Mind.
Destination: Trash.

Confession: This was a good project, well intentioned, but it fell on many deaf ears. The office was populated with mostly good people, incentivized to offer average performance, in a highly political and extremely large organization that no longer exists.

While the group's output was definitely an example of mean reversion in the workplace, we were a Center of Excellence for a number of things, including complaining. The point of the project is to wear the bracelet (one, not two, see last paragraph of this "confession") and to take notice when you complain, with a one day at a time sort of ethos.

Just like 365 Things.   When you start to notice something, you can transform it!

Some people wouldn't participate. (Hence I had two bracelets thrust on me. I couldn't say no. Sigh.)