Friday, January 22, 2010

Stuff-Savers; Life, Not So Much

What: Roll of Lifesavers.
Origin: I believe that this was part of a roadside emergency kit that "M" gave to me for Christmas.   Quite some time ago.
Usage: Not at all.  Unless moving them around in my kitchen cabinet counts.
How Long Kept: "M", when did I have that Honda in Chicagoland? 1999?
Why kept: I might eat them and thus They Might Be Useful.
Destination: Trash.

Confession: These should have gone when I tossed the licorice -- like Betadine, I would have assumed that Lifesavers never expired (well, I'm exaggerating slightly. Today, I opened them and found that the candy on the end of the pack (either lemon or pineapple) had red spots embedded deep within.

Um, eew. (Do we have a category for "eew"?)  Aaargh.

1 comment:

  1. I believe it was longer ago than 1999, not but much, but EEEWWWWW :-)
