Sunday, January 17, 2010

Alternate University

Alternate University
Originally uploaded by 365 Things

What:  Contents of a "volunteer" binder.
Origin:  Fund-raising training run by my graduate school.
How long kept: Since March, 2005.
Why kept: It was in a binder, which is a variation on Storage Boxes Are Evil. Also a bit Out of Sight, Out of Mind. (Though it was actually fairly visible on my bookshelf, just goes to show me how I look at stuff every day without actually seeing it.)
Destination: I filed a few possibly useful pages into a folder in my business files. A few pages are on beautiful heavy paper stock, and are going into my scrap files for my next Mary Ann Moss journal.   The bulk will be recycled by the NYC Department of Sanitation.

Confession:  This training had been marketed as some kind of leadership gathering, and turned into an expectation that I phone or write notes to my classmates to ask them for money.   I was invited to another "leadership" conference this March:  anyone want to bet about whether binders will be distributed?

Bonus: I found a tablet filled with notes from a course I took in 2004. Shred-arama, revisited.

Confession (cont.): Stay tuned for a future release of a number of empty binders, also located on my bookshelf. (Sheesh, I thought I had gotten rid of all of these long before the 365 Things project was even a gleam in my eye!)

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