Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Soapy good deliciousness

Soapy good deliciousness
Originally uploaded by DeClutter

What: really nice smelling grapefruit soap. It was also very pretty. It was glycerin soap with a grapefruit shape in the middle. It was so pretty that I didn't use it. Why did I buy this soap if I'm not going to use it!?! So I did and it fell apart into pieces.
Origin: Canada trip with a girlfriend in the early part of this century
Why kept: at first too pretty to use and then after use, it might be useful or somehow I can fix it
Why getting rid of it? I'm worried about the small pieces going down the drain and clogging up the works
Destination: garbage

"A", have you noticed that we are trying to take cool photos to keep up with "S"?? She is really classing up the joint :)

I've made a new deal with myself, I'm going to use up all my soaps before buying any new soap. I think I stated this promise to myself before, but I feel the need to say it again.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®


  1. "Classing up the joint"? Now you're making ME laugh! I just try and find a white surface with no cats on it. Now...MY soap was a "captured in glycerin" slice of loofa. I too thought it too pretty (or weird) to use, but eventually it became the guest bathroom soap, until guests were scraping their hands instead of washing. Finally it died, a natural death.

  2. It is good to have a resident artist!

    And "M", about a year ago I gave away some of those bars of soap that "W" had made for us a few years back. Sorry, W, if you're reading this, but I just don't use pretty soap. (I use the blanket you made me every day, I sit on it when I meditate.)

    Go, "M", go!

  3. I used to collect soap & shampoos from hotels on every business trip. (I didn't use them b/c I always brought my own.)

    I did it b/c I knew that our local shelter would appreciate it. Before long, I hadn't realized how long I'd been accumulating & wound up with more than a giant black garbage bag full!

    Glad to have the guest closet back!

  4. That is a great thing you did for the local shelter. I know they are always looking for that kind of thing!! Way to Go getting your guest closet back, Lisa!!!!
