Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Universe Speaks, And Speaks

What: Christmas card from a former colleague.
How Long kept: Christmas, 1995.
Usage: Sitting in a photo box, probably since 1995 or early 1996.
Why kept: Until a couple of years ago, I never used to be able to toss a Christmas card. (Nostalgia)  Prior to this developmental change in behavior, this one went into one of a (short) tower of archival photo boxes (see confession), and were thus Out Of Sight, Of Mind.
Destination: Shredder, then recycling.

Confession: This floated to the surface when I was looking for a picture of a graduate school classmate.

In early 1996, I resigned from the company I had been at for most of my career until that date.  It was political, there was drama, which I did not engage.   (And it was a good move for me.)

This card's sender had been a mentor, and was one of a handful of people with whom I had hoped to continue a professional relationship. I did not hear from her, nor did she respond my overtures. Later on, I received a call from a trusted friend, who worked for the same company, telling me that the card's author had been passing incorrect information about the circumstances of my resignation.

Unbelieveably, I remember sending her a Christmas card the next year. (When I thought about it recently, the words "Stockholm Syndrome" occurred to me.) I didn't hear from her...

...until about 3 weeks ago, when she actually pinged me on Linked In. (And since we haven't been in touch in almost 14 years, I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't have my current email address in her book for a "friend finder" kind of invite.)

I let her Linked In invitation go, without responding.  And now I'm letting go of her Christmas card.

Confession, part deux: The photos in those boxes are a graduate level release...for future posts!

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